Picture day is upon us & I hope you're as excited as I am! I want to share some helpful tips I've collected over the years that will help make your pictures look spectacular. 

Lose the brands. To make your images forever-lasting, avoid wearing clothes with a logo/brand on them or that are "in style". Styles come and go. How would you feel about a picture in your favorite JNCO bell bottom jeans? 
Iron. I don't mean the vitamin or the mineral. I'm talking about ironing out the wrinkles. Make sure your clothes are wrinkle and stain free. Get them dry cleaned or iron them prior to our session. 
Wear something fitting. Remember the days of MC Hammer or Kris Kross? Leave the baggy pants and oversized shirts at home. Wear something that will accentuate your figure. 
Plan ahead. Don't wait to get your haircut the day of (or before). What is something goes wrong? Power goes out. Your stylist is sick. The last thing you want is to feel stressed for our session because you're rushing or something went wrong.
Keep it classic. One word. Mullet.  If you're comfortable with doing something trendy and in style, that's fine. Just remember that styles come and go. 
Pin it. Shooting outdoors can be unpredictable at times. If you think the wind might cause you trouble during our session, pin it or bring some with you.
Frizz. We all have bad hair days. Humidity can be a real pain. If your hair tends to frizz or have a mind of it's own, bring a brush or comb. 
Rest up - Lack of sleep can cause unwanted circles and puffy eyes. Get some rest. Don’t pull an all-nighter or pick up a 2nd shift the day before our session.
Tans - Depending on the look you’re going for, you may want to tan your skin. If you do, I recommend you get a professional spray tan or use a bronzer you've tried before. A traditional tan can cause unwanted burns, redness and peeling. An artificial tan will give you a consistent look without any tan lines.
Nails - Trim them, clean them and consider painting them. Depending on the pose, chipped nail polish or dirty fingernails can be seen.
Don't go crazy - You'll want to recognize yourself in the pictures, right?
Foundation - Use one that matches your skin tone, not darker. Oil-free liquid foundation is recommended but some find it difficult to apply since it dries quickly and can look caky if too much is applied. For best results, hire a professional. 
Waterproof - If we're shooting outdoors, near water or you sweat like a Texas farmgirl, consider using waterproof makeup. 
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